be completely engrossed in câu
be engrossed in
They seem to be engrossed in a conversation about an operation…Tất cả đang chìm trong nỗi lo lắng về một cuộc đại phẫu to be engrossed...

I know what you mean, and I'm completely jealous.Tôi hiểu anh nói về điều gì và tôi hoàn toàn ghen tị. Completely different symptoms t...

completely additive
completely additive if a(mn) = a(m) + a(n) for all natural numbers m and n;nhân hoàn toàn nếu a (mn) = a (m)a (n) cho tất cả các số tự ...

completely close
The wound will never completely close.Vết thương của em sẽ chẳng bao giờ hoàn toàn khép lại She didnt completely close the door, and I...

completely dark
It'll be completely dark all around us.Nó sẽ được hoàn toàn tối tất cả các xung quanh chúng ta. It doesn’t grow very well in completel...

completely empty
Maybe it's completely empty with a GWV of 20,000 pounds.Có lẽ nó hoàn toàn trống rỗng với một GWV 20.000 bảng. Well, not a completely ...

completely extinguished
After about 10 minutes, the fire was completely extinguished."Sau khoảng 10 phút, đám cháy đã được dập tắt hoàn toàn". The early morni...

completely fearless
Fearlessness: It makes one completely fearless.Vô úy thí: Là làm cho người ta hết sợ hãi. If I write about courage, I feel completely ...

completely hollow
The theory that our planet is completely hollow.Có học thuyết cho rằng, Trái đất của chúng ta thực chất là rỗng. Some islands are comp...

completely ignorant
She was apparently completely ignorant of the Hispanic pronunciation.Bà Lục hoàn toàn không để ý tới lời nói Trình Mai Tây. “How can y...

completely out of
Hey, speaking of s'mores, it looks like Bugsy ate them all. We're completely out of marshmallows.Này, nói xem nào, có vẻ như Bugsy cùng...

completely silent
But when they finally attacked, it was completely silent.Nhưng cuối cùng khi chúng tấn công, chúng hoàn toàn yên lặng. But as for your...

completely void
Concentrate intensely on the idea that the universe is completely void.Tập trung mạnh mẽ vào ý tưởng rằng vũ trụ hoàn toàn vô hiệu. Co...

destroy completely
Chemical weapons are difficult to destroy completely.Vũ khí hóa học rất khó để tiêu hủy hoàn toàn. Chemical weapons are extremely diff...

forget completely
Sometimes you will forget completely that you were to be watchful.Đôi khi bạn sẽ quên hoàn toàn rằng bạn mang tính quan sát. Maybe it’...

separate completely
One is that the public and private transport have been two separate, completely different industries up until now.Thứ nhất là giao thôn...

completely additive set function
Definition:Completely Additive FunctionNghĩa của từ: completely additive set function completely additive set functionNghĩa của từ: com...

completely built up
CBU – Completely Built up UnitCBU (Hoàn Toàn Được Xây Dựng Đơn Vị) The New Jerusalem, the ultimate consummation of God’s work through ...

completely knocked down
The first two MiG-29Ks are to be shipped from Russia in completely knocked down condition.Những chiếc MiG-29 cuối cùng của Nga sắp bị t...

completely monotonic sequence
completely monotonic sequenceNghĩa của từ: totally monotone sequence

completely regular space
Every subspace of a completely regular space isNghĩa của từ: completely regular space Every subspace of a completely regular space isNg...

completely wrapped up in
I was completely wrapped up in Anna’s story.Tôi hoàn toàn cuốn hút vào câu chuyện của Anne. A few of us got completely wrapped up in t...